Are you seeing clearly beyond XXXX?

S Manikantan
4 min readDec 24, 2020

Hindsight is always 20/20. Optometrists and Ophthalmologists would have loved the year 2020 for numbering at the beginning. Not being a Roman, I can’t confidently say how to write the year in roman numerals (XXXX or IIMXX?) but who wouldn’t want a perfect vision of the year winding down? While we all may not agree if 6/6 or 20/20 is the right way to measure such a visual activity, one thing is for sure — we all would agree that year didn’t pan out as any envisioned even if one was a clairvoyant — comic writers excluded!

Diagram by the French esotericist Paul Sédir [fr] to explain clairvoyance

Let’s review the fun of living in a proverb/cursed year “may you live in interesting times”. Just taking three areas specifically where a clairvoyance or mystical powers could have helped: Confusion, Choices, Clarity …. and did! But I am jumping ahead! But first, for many around the world, this year was like one long opening line of Tale of two cities. Can we pause for few moments in silence to be with them especially if they cant be with us… Thank you.


In Q1, when the confusion of Pandemic did set in, we were clueless. This was not because we didn’t collectively know the concept or early warning was not sounded. As a result next level of chaos took hold. Could a clairvoyant or mystic helped us avoid the confusion and mayhem? Perhaps — not so sure. Even if God or son of god in human form held a collective world townhall to announce this, we were too busy pressing the accelerator (if at all there was on) to make the world go faster without a clue where were we collectively steering human kind to — of course all in the name growth! We were equally confused when animals took over cities and roads and the human urban habitat but if we stopped hyperventilating even for a moment, we could have heard the rest of the world breathing a collective sigh of relief as the human frantic activity almost halted. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) danced! Presidential elections and results didn’t help either?

Pop quiz : Who is the US President to be sworn in 2021? <Name please>.
Are you sure? I am positive!

What could you do? Make a run for toilet paper? Consider HCQ or Not! Perhaps hunker down to focus on what an individual can control and can’t? Recite Serenity Prayer! You also needed to act locally while thinking globally. Did we? Let’s be grateful if we did, encouraged others to do and for all those who did. It surely brought the signal-to-noise ratio so conspiracy theorists didn’t rule.


In Q2 did we know how to make choices? What is the default choice when we get confused? Are there one or few things that we are certain when confused -Ourselves? Family? Work? Purpose? Meaning? Life? Money? Others? World around us? Whatever be our touchstone or cornerstone, there is need to choose our foundation for alchemy. Choice making is challenging even when the intellect is stable — when confused cognitive bias kicks in! Poor individual and collective choices does and did more damage in 2020 than any confusion from pandemic did. By the same note, good individual and collective choices we each have made in Q2 and Q3 is going to propel us forward as we rebooted in Q4 as well post-vaccine or without it beyond into the next year

Let’s check in now in Q4. We are ending the year now almost. In the last few days of the year, what choices can we make. Consider this message I got from an amazing person I know named Suresh Ramaswamy.

Message from Suresh Ramaswamy

Are you going to finish the year strong? We still have few days left. What choices are you going to make between now and when the ball falls? Being clear-minded can definitely help here.


As year rolls over into 2021 how to stay established in Clarity (ie Clear thinking, Clear doing and Clear being!) The journey from confusion to clarity is one that we all need to make everyday as we consider choices. Of course our (limiting) beliefs would hold us back from making the best choices we can for ourselves and the wellbeing of all others near and dear to us. Overcoming them perhaps is the freedom we each have to exercise in this life as we purse happiness. Finding clarity can be a winning choice over staying confused!

I personally choose conscious living for the sake of the planet and conscious planet for the sake of my life and other around me. How about you? As you look over the horizon of time beyond 2020, what is your perception revealing? Are you seeing clearly beyond into next month, year, decade, or even longer? Inviting you to share yours and wishing you the very best!

Stay safe!



S Manikantan

Mani, Coach and Mentor companion for any one who wants to unlearn. He has unlearnt over 25 years of Technology and Internet business experience that he gained.